Thursday, 16 February 2012

First Post! Woo!

So uhh well this is awkward... come here often?

I have no idea why I started this post with 'Bonjour!' haha. I'm obviously not French, in fact I'm Welsh, and I don't do French.  So I thought I'd do my first post as a sort of 'get to know me' as it were. I have no idea how many people will actually read this and be interested in it but here goes. Well like I said I'm from Wales, the south to be precise, and I'm in Year 11 studying towards my GSCEs. I took a 'get to know me tag' video idea from Youtube and decided to do it here and answer the questions obviously so let's get on with it.

Holly as you probably guessed. Not going to give my last name as I don't want any stalkers. ;)
Hol, Hols anything really. Most people just call me what they feel like at the time.
Incidentally, it's next week! Which will be the 23rd of February and I was born in 1996 so I will be 16. Ooooh!
Place of Birth:
Well my place of birth was my local hospital and have lived in the same house ever since!
Star Sign:
I am a Pisces which is the fish. (What d'you call a fish with no eyes? Fsssssssh!)
Well at the moment I don't work but I'm hoping to find a little part time job soonish. Preferably would be in WHSmiths or Superdrug/Boots something like that. I definitely don't want to be a waitress (no offence if you are!) mainly for the reason the I have this fear that whenever I'm carrying plates of food, I'm going to fall over. :S
Hair Colour:
I am naturally blonde. (Strawberry blonde if you want to be technical. Not in the fact that i'm ginger i just have loads of shades or blonde, ginger, brown etc running through my hair.) I'm lucky in that respect and I really love my hair colour and have never dyed it or highlighted it. Always have been blonde and I get it from my Grandad so I feel like we have a connection that no one else has with me or him.
Hair Length:
Just past my shoulders. For the past 4/5 years I've always had my hair cut short, each time different lengths (shortest I went was just able to tie it up), but at one point last year I just thought 'y'know what? I'm going to grow it!' So I've decided to grow it. Not too long just long enough to do more things with it. That was a long answer for just past my shoulders!
Eye Colour:
I have green eyes which again I get off my Grandad (again with the whole connectiong thing. Is it just me who feels that?) I get my skin colour from him too, so basically, I get my colouring from my Grandad.
Best Feature:
I'm not too sure to be honest. Does this include personality? I don't feel I have the best personality, maybe I'm just hard on myself I don't know. I quite like my eyes so I'll just say my eyes.
Nope. Never had braces and I don't need them either. However, I do hate my teeth. I find them really yellow and my toothy smile really ugly and weird but my friend Shannon always comments how straight and nice they are which always makes me feel a bit better about them haha.
Currently (I think I've used that word a lot in this post haha, sorry.), I have my lobes pierced twice but in the summer I'm hoping, I say hoping but I've already asked my mum and she's said yes, to get a small ring about half way up my ear. I'd love loads of other piercings like lip but it's a bit awkward at the moment with school and what not and with the job I want in the future it's not really what's the word? accessable? I don't know haha. My sister is the one who got my into all the piercing things. She has 2 on her lobes like my and her cartilage pierced twice aswell with rings. She wants loads more and will probably get them as the job she's aiming for is more flexible. Long answer haha.
I don't have any as obviously I'm not old enough, but I don't think I ever will get one. I think they can be really pretty but although I have a high pain threshold I don't think I could handle the pain basically. Also, I don't like the idea of being stuck with something for all my life especially if I were to grow out of it. If I did get one, I'd get something pretty like a daisy or some sort of quote somewhere that I could easily cover up if needed.
Righty or Lefty:
I am a righty.
Best Friend:

My first best friend was/is a girl called Naomi. I'm still really good friends with her now. I can tell this is going to be a long answer so get comfy haha. I've known her since she was born which was in the July after I was born so I was 5 months old when we met. Our mum's met when they were pregnant with our older sisters as they are the same age aswell and are only like 2 weeks apart. They met in an antenatal class and became friends then our dad's met and became friends and so on. We always get together as families on bank holidays and boxing day or we go out the 4 of us or me and Naomi just go out. We go the gym together so I get to see her every Monday which I love as we didn't used to get to see each other much as she goes to a different school and we have different friends etc etc. Anyway, that was my first best friend. :)
I can't really remember to be honest. I probably had like small awards but the first one I really remember was in Year 6 where I had the Diligence Award which I was so happy with (even though I had no idea what it meant haha!) But when my mum told me after I was so happy they had picked me. I remember sitting there and them describing why the person had got the award and for some reason I though 'oh my gosh this is going to be me' and it was! I don't want to sound big headed or anything but I just had this feeling. And that's one of the days that made me think I was psychic haha!
I'm not sure. I think it may have been swimming or judo not too sure. I did judo from when I was 6 but I think I did swimming before that, again not sure. I also did swimming for about 6 years when I was young. (If you knew me you'd never have thought it!)
My first holiday was Pontins. If you don't know what Pontins is, it's basically a holiday park in England. There's a few over the country but we've been going there every year since I was little with the Sun Holiday offers but last year was our last year. :( I think my sister thought being 16 and 18 was too old to go to a kid's holiday park haha. But it has to be one of the best places when I was little. The first year I went was the year I was born and I won a bonnie baby competition! Basically, it was raining so my mum couldn't take us to the parks and my dad was doing a pool or snooker competition so my mum decided to take us into the main entertainment hall and see what was on. It happened to be a bonnie baby competition. I can't remember what made my mum enter me but she did. All the other babies were screaming and crying but my beautiful sister was standing next to my mum making me laugh by me just looking at her haha which made everyone go 'awwh' and made me win! We got a photo frame engraved and has a photo of me in. Sorry, long again haha. Just have a lot to say. ;)
It was the Tweenies when I was like 7 haha. I also went to see Bear in the Big Blue House teehe. I think my first 'pop' concert was probably The Hoosiers.

I have 3 which are all from different genres haha. Bridesmaids, Despicable Me and Alice in Wonderland(the Time Burton one). My favourite genre is rom coms. I do love some action films like I loved Sherlock Holmes. Also, I do love School of Rock and I have a guilty pleasure of Camp Rock haha.
Tv Show:
My ultimate favourite programme if Friends. It can always cheer me up and awh I just love it! But unfortunately it's no longer on tv:( me and my sister did go halves on the box set though! I love and watch other programmes like 90210, Hollyoaks, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, Waterloo Road, Desperate Housewives. I have a guilty pleasure for Jeremy Kyle aswell teehe. I have found a love for new programmes aswell like New Girl and Rules of Engagement. I pretty much just watch E4 most of the time.
I have 3 again haha. Blue, red and silver.
I don't really have one. I have millions of songs that I love and can never get tired of. I love all the music by U2, Florence and the Machine, Muse, Mumford & Sons, Beyonce and so on. I have a bit of a guilty pleasure in Demi Lovato haha.
I'm not too sure. I think I have to go plain and simple with Harvester.
I think it would have to be Superdrug haha. As sad as it is. I find it really hard to buy clothes and just get more pleasure out of buying and looking at make up etc.
I don't particularly have a favourite book but all my favourites are by the author Chris Higgins. Also, I loved the Twilight series. I'm not a twihard fan but I did really enjoy the books and felt they were well written - nothing compared to the films.
Glamour. I just think it's amazing for £2! I'm not really a fan of gossip mags. I mean I love reading interviews with celebs but I hate when they're like a secret source or Katy Perry's mother's brother's daughter's friend's boyfriend's aunt told us blah blah blah which I find a lot of magazines tend to be about. I think Glamour is really thick and packed with fashion, make up, articles andinterviews with celebrities. I would happily work for Glamour.
Well this is going to sound really embarrassing but my crocs. They aren't you're average crocs. They're trainery look a likes. Think of convereses but made my crocs. I love the look of converses and I own a few pairs (none paid full price) but the crocs are so much more comfy! In the winter I just live in them and when it rains in the summer. I live in flip flops for most of the summer though. I just buy a few cheap pairs from tesco or primark and they last all summer. I'm pretty heavy on my feet so it's not worth buying expensive pairs.

Pretty lonely actually haha. This half term has been pretty much crap. But other than that I'm feeling alright.
About this haha.
Single or Taken:
I am single. Shocking I know ;)

Well I just finished eating my tea which my lovely mum made. It was Quorn chicken nuggets, peas and sweetcorn and chips. I'm not veggie but my sister is so we tend to have more veggie stuff than meat haha. Now, I am eating an orange that took forever and a day to open. It was one of those ones that have loads of pith on.
Listening to:
Rules of Engagement. I love it.
Rules of Engagement haha.
Grey leggings, a red long sleeve top and a black hoody. Sounds attractive I know haha.
I would love children one day. I love children haha.
I would love to get married one day.
Career Goal:
I would hopefully like to become a teacher either in an Infant/Primary school or an English teacher in a secondary school. I would like to be a teacher in an infant school more though. I wouldn't mind be a journalist on the side aswell haha.
Believe in...

Urrrm I'm not too sure to be honest.
I believe in miracles where you from you sexy thing ;) I kind of do and I kind of don't.
Love at First Sight:
I think you can like someone at first site but you have to get to know someone to fall in love with them I think.
No way haha. I kind of think it's one of those things where if you believe in them then you see them/hear them.
Soul Mates:
I don't think so. Not sure why just don't really like the sound of them. Weird I know haha.
Heaven and Hell:
I think it's nice to believe that your family are up in heaven looking down on you, watching over you.
Kissing on a First Date:
Yeah why not haha.

Uhh not really. I don't really have much confidence and I am pretty hard on myself. I hope it will change but until then. It's not like I'm not happy in myself. I've kind of over the years learnt that I have to live with who I am and what not because it won't change so yeah.

Anyway, that's me! This was an incredibly long post and you might have noticed that I got a bit tired towards the end haha. Maybe my next one will be something more interesting and fashion/beauty/hair related or maybe just about something random haha. Hope you didn't find this too boring and would consider reading more of my things? please? haha.
Holly over and out. ;)