Thursday, 8 August 2013

wait... is that you? where HAVE you been?!

Well erm hello I guess!

Now I know what you're thinking. Where the eff have you BEEN? Has it really been that long since I last wrote? Yes. Yes is the answer. I believe it's been a whole 10 months. (WHAT?! Slap on the wrist for me!) I wish I had some great excuse like I have a snazzy job, a fancy boyfriend, attended a gazillion parties and found a bucket load of hobbies I never knew I would excel at. Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but NONE of those have happened. The simple answer is I have been at school. Even if I haven't got any thrilling news, I just thought I would give a little (not exciting) life update and a bit of an excuse explanation as to what I have been doing.

Well first of all , as you all know, I started Sixth Form last September. Last you all heard I was really enjoying it. Well that didn't last long. I ended up absolutely hating Media Studies (partly due to the teachers and the members of my class) which I was really sad about as I thought I would love it. However, I really, really LOVE I.T and Biology - yay! I managed to get 80/80 (100%) in my I.T coursework which I was super, duper chuffed about as I worked so hard on it. What about English Literature? I hear you ask. Well that was a disaster and deserves a whole paragraph to itself.

If you know me you know that English is basically my life. I have, and always will, love English and I want to teach it as a career. My school offers English Literature and English Language as separate subjects and you can only pick one as they are timetabled at the same time. I picked Literature as I prefer it and love reading. However, one of the teachers I had is a... how do I put it politely? A stupid bum. Yes, that'll do. He has a reputation of being quite harsh but he is clever and gets good grades. Oh, and he is also the head of English. Anyway, from day one he decided he didn't like me and there was nothing I could have ever done that would have changed his mind. He was the only one who could help me with exam work and the only way I could do well was with his help. There were several comments made towards me, such as 'what [I] think doesn't matter' and, once the results came out, after telling him I wanted a B, that a C 'was more achievable'. Well for someone who wants a degree and career in English a C isn't acceptable! I got a D in my exam which I was happy with as we had to go in on a snow day, I didn't think it went well, a tonne of people in the class had done worse than me and my friend, who he told was going to get full marks, got a C. As well as all this, everything I said and did wasn't good enough. He would tell me I was wrong but wouldn't tell me why I was wrong. Well how am I to improve if I don't know why it's wrong?! One of my teachers was an absolute star but unfortunately, she didn't know much about the other side of the course - sad face. And my other teacher? Well he's an idiot. (I also had him for Media Studies) Anyway, the whole thing just made me really down (like really, really down) and, as you can imagine, I thought I was never going to do well, I don't know what I would do as a degree if I didn't do well and all other sorts of panicky ideas. After being let down, having no light at the end of the tunnel and shedding many a tear, my mum found the same course as the school followed in a college about half an hour away - yay! I applied, got in and this is where I will be attending come September! It all works out perfectly as it's part time, a twilight course and will be the whole A-Level in one year so I can still do an English degree next year! I will still be doing I.T, Biology and applying to University through my school so I get the best of both worlds.

Due to this 'situation', I just didn't have the inspiration, the drive or the anything to write blogs. I hope you understand. Anyway, on to happier things! What else have I been up to?

I turned seventeen in February and therefore started driving - eek! I am yet to pass but we're getting there. I love it and am so excited to be able to drive on my own. Driving=freedom!

I started volunteering in a local Primary School and I completely love it there! I love the children, the teachers, the office staff and EVERYTHING! I will still be continuing with this next year - woo!

I also started babysitting every Friday for my mum's friend. I had no lessons last thing on a Friday so I would volunteer in the Primary school from 1.20 until 3.10 then I would go pick up my mum's friend's daughter from school and look after her. The little girl does have a bit of an attitude and has a tendency to lie but nothing I can't handle. ;)

My friend situation is something that has changed this year. I don't know about your school's but when we hit Sixth Form all the 'groups' kind of merged and everyone was friends with each other. I lost a friend (but got her back recently), became close with another (who I love dearly) and I am so glad I did! Not the losing a friend part (who enjoys that?!), the becoming close with another. I felt like I was always relying on my best friend so when she went out with other friends and made new ones, I felt a sort of jealousy that I wasn't there and was lonely. (Please say I'm not the only one who gets this?!) Anyway, after becoming close with someone else, I no longer felt that because I had another great friend away from her. Yay for friends! (Did I really just say that?! Yes, I believe I did.)

I also (not on my own) started up a school newspaper/magazine. Three great, great girls in my year (including the one I'm close with) and I (along with some Year 13's who caused a lot of drama and upset but eventually dropped out so we don't count them) started running and producing a half-termly newspaper/magazine which also took up a lot of my time. It's super stressful but it has brought the four of us together and I am so proud of the final product.

Oh gosh, that turned into something that sort of looked like my (already written - whaaaaat?!) personal statement!! Sorry!! That's all I can think of for now. I have been enjoying actually being able to do nothing this summer and seeing all my friendlings (minus one who decided to be on holiday with her family for three weeks! - Grrr, how selfish! Jeez!) But anyhoo, that is what I have been up to, along with exams, coursework etc etc, this year! I hope you forgive me for being such a bad blogger and I hope I can write more this year.

Thank you for reading this uber long, rambley post but I shall hopefully see you soon.
Oh and here, have a picture of my sister and I at her graduation.

Catch you on the flip side!

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