Sunday, 12 August 2012

Well Hello Again...

Hello lovely people!

Ok, so I haven't posted in months but I do have good reasons, promise! Well some good reasons...

Well first off I have just finished year 11 and for those of you who know (well and don't know) that's the year of the dreaded GCSE's. When I uploaded my first post I thought "I'll upload like once a week" but that clearly didn't happen! Firstly, I had coursework to complete and hand in. I took Child Development which is 60% coursework based and pretty much took up a lot of my time what with visiting the child, writing the visit up, having it checked then altering it.

My schedule during term time since the start of GCSE's looks a bit like Monday-Friday: school; Saturday: go out with friends and Sunday: do all homework/coursework. So you see I really didn't have much time free, which some of you may disagree and think I could've fitted in like half an hour here or there but I mean how many people are actually reading this? haha.

Anyway, then this took me up to exam period where all my waking hours I spent revising at home or in school. (Well at least I was meant to be haha.) I had 14 exams and the last one was on Monday 18th June. I spent the rest of the week just enjoying having nothing to do. I did contemplate blogging during that week as I had though once my exams were over I would write again but I left for Mallorca for two weeks on the Sunday and thought I may as well start after that. Then I got back and it just slipped my mind. Which is no excuse really. I have spent the past couple of weeks seeing friends, helping my mum at work and on the days where I am doing nothing, I spent the day watching Youtube videos haha. I really don't know why I didn't sooner but I guess I just thought "well no one's reading so why does it matter?" But I really do love reading blogs and lurrvveee writing as well and since it's a boring Sunday, I thought why not now, ey? I will try my best to post regularly and have some ideas of what I should write.

Phewwf! That was a big paragraph! I probably should put some pictures in of my holiday to to break it up a bit, shouldn't I? Well here goes...

mmm sandy...

Our hotel was brilliant! Would really recommend it!

Really loved these tufty umbrella things. So cute! (excuse the black dot at the corner of the picture by the way)

So I'll leave it at that for now:)

Was thinking of doing a holiday type post of what I can remember anyway haha. What d'ya think?

Sorry for all the excuses!
Holly x

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