Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Back to School Supplies!

Hey lovely people! I apologise for not posting in 9 days I was visiting friends in the north of England and got back last night. I feel like I start all my posts apologising for something haha. Anyway, I thought I'd do a back to school supplies/what I've bought for the new school year kinda post. I can't believe how fast the Summer has gone but at the same time it feels like I've been off forevvveeer! Also, if you didn't know I am going into my first year of Sixth Form and that means it's time to get out my organisational skills - eeek!

I'll start with my school bag. In my school we tend to use backpack/rucksack type bags and get a new ones every year (well until the fashion of side bags). So this is my one for this year

It's from Animal but I can't find it on the site I bought it from or on Amazon - sorry! It's the Dakota backpack in White so you might be able to find it in the Animal shop or something. It was around £20 which is what I normally pay for my school bags as I think it's reasonable for a years worth of use. I still keep the bags after the year as a weekend or beach bag just incase you thought I wasted them or something haha. I prefer these backpack style bags as they distribute the weight evenly between your shoulders especially if you're carrying around A4 files full of work. That's the other thing I like is they are actually advertised as being able to carry A4 files in them and I can vouch that they do.
Next is my pencil case. I also get a new pencil case every year and most of the supplies. (Apart from the things that are still in good condition and pens.) This one is from Sainsburys and was £3.99ish but their school supplies are on buy one get one free at the moment. I normally jut get my pencil cases from Sainsburys as they're normally a good price compared to somewhere like WHSmiths and technically it works out cheaper with the free thing too.
I've put these in my pencil case already. The memory stick is a Kingston and I put it in the front pocket of the pencil case whilst the rest is in the back. I bought this memory stick last year for all my coursework and what not for GCSE but it is still useful for this year's work. The ruler is from Maped, the highlighters are from Stablo Boss and the glue is from Pritt. I bought these this year in the buy one get one free in Sainsburys. The sharpener is Maped also that I got last year but can still be brought and the pencil is a Zebra mechanical pencil. The pens I use for school are blue Bic medium point and the lighter one is Staedtler I believe. These are just the ones I prefer to use as I like blue biros better. I am yet to buy different coloured biros.

These are just the two folders I have bought already. Both are from Tesco and were resonably priced. The peacock feather one is a ring binder and the flamingo one is a lever arch file. I know for the subjects I have taken I am going to need these and will probably need more but I will get them when the time comes.

Also in the buy one get one free in Sainburys, I bought two packs of 200 polly pockets and these are just to put in my folders obviously.
Lastly, I have this purple papered Pukka Pad. This is just lined paper that's coloured purple if that wasn't obvious haha. I have something called irlen as it says on the cover which I'm not going to go into but if you have it you know haha or google it!(Also the reason all my posts have blue writing!) But anyway my mum wondered if these would help the size and state of my writing so ordered me a few as these are what she recommends in work. (Not sure where from - sorry!)
I start back on the 4th of September and am a little excited for the first day but probably won't be after that haha. When do you start back and what year are you going into?!
Thanks for reading!

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