Sunday, 2 September 2012

DVD haul | numero uno!

Hey lovely people! So I thought I'd just check in today as I haven't posted in a few days and tomorrow is my last day of holidays - waaah!:( I'm spending the last day with my bestest friend ever, having a good chat, then we're off to another friend's birthday meal in the night. (I feel like I've been to so many meals recently but I suppose that's what summer's for, hey!) I'm not too sure when I'll be able to post yet after Tuesday but as soon as I get a chance! 

Anyway, I thought I'd just show you a few dvds that I have bought recently. When I say few I mean 4 haha. I really don't buy a lot at one time, I accumulate haha. Sorry for the dodgey photos as always!

Ok so, first off I got season 2 and 3 of One Tree Hill. I already had season 1 and I hope to get all of them!

I absolutely love One Tree Hill! I think the things that are said on there are inspiring as cringey as that sounds and the background music I feel is suited to me. I recieved these 2 seasons off my mum for a well done present for my results. If you haven't seen any of these you should check them out. It has ended now but there are re runs played on e4 in the mornings. I watched all the seasons on tv but haven't yet got around to watching these. These were bought off as that was the cheapest we found them and can be found here and here.

Finally there are these 2 dvds or should I say 4.

I found these in Sainsbury's whilst grocery shopping for £3 each (as you can see). Camp Rock is one of my many guilty pleasures but I am yet to buy the first one. When I saw this on the shelf I couldn't resist at that price! Now the 3 dvd set was an absolute steal as it works out at just £1 per dvd!! I've seen and read the books for The Time Traveller's Wife and My Sister's Keeper but not for The Notebook. I have, however, always wanted to see it as it's meant to be like the ultimate romance film or something. I realise these are all really sad but who doesn't love a good cry, ey? I might get my friend to watch The Notebook with me tomorrow as I'm sure we could both do with a good cry (especially being that there is school the next day)!

Have you seen any of these dvds? What did you think?
Thanks for reading!


Stalk my twitter: @hollssss_xxx
Instagram: hollysss

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